Sunday, January 16, 2011

Post Orientation Reflection-Luke-John Lee Suen Keat

1. What were 3 of the highlights of the Orientation and the last 2 weeks?
Ans: The three highlights for me was that I completed my goal and reached the top of the rock wall. Another highlight was that I made new friends apart from primary school and I got to know them better and now I am able to communicate with them more easily. Another one was the time that our Peer Support Leaders sacrificed for us and I am very appreciative for their time as they made the camp fun for us.
2. What were 2 of the "low" moments of Orientation and the last 2 weeks
Ans: They were when we had to sit on the floor and while away our time with many eager students waiting for the activities to happen. Another one was that we had to clean up after the camp, but I think it was practical.
3. What are 2 of my greatest takeways/lessons from the Orientation and the last 2 weeks?
Ans: They were that we could use the values in the camp in daily school life, values like persistance. Another was giving, like the PSLs gave up their time to us, and giving makes others happy.
4. What did you learn about yourself in the last 2 weeks?
Ans: I learned that I can climb the rock wall quite fast.
5. What are you looking forward in 2011?
Ans: I am looking forward to having fun and interactive lessons in school with the new method of learning.

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